Load Your Storage Unit Like An Expert With These Three Tips

When you have too many possessions at home that are leading to cramped living quarters, you can often find a solution in the form of a storage unit. Renting this space from a self-storage facility in your community allows you to relocate certain items -- including seasonal decorations and sentimental things that you don't frequently use -- to the unit and restore the order in your home. When it comes to filling the storage unit, it's important to avoid doing so in a disorganized manner. Instead, using a handful of smart strategies can make your unit effectively organized and easy to navigate when you need to retrieve something.

Keep Track While You Pack

It might be tempting to hurriedly pack your boxes in anticipation of transporting them to your storage unit, but it's better to load them methodically. As you prepare a new box to fill, assign the box a number and write the number on each side of the box with a marker. Write the same number on a piece of paper and, as you load the box, list each item that you place inside it. Repeat the process for each box until you have a comprehensive list on your paper. For example, it could read: "Box 1: Childhood mementos, stuffed animals and old clothing."

Work From The Outside In

Once your boxes are packed, labeled and identified, it's time to begin the process of visiting your storage unit and loading it. Instead of pushing the boxes against the far wall, work around the perimeter. Pile boxes around the back wall and the two sides of the unit, stacking them as high as you safely can. When you've finished this task, place any remaining boxes and the large items that you wish to store, such as unused furniture, in the center of the unit. This layout should give you a narrow walkway between the center items and the boxes along the walls that you can use to find what you need at a later date.

Take Note Of Each Box's Location

You'll benefit from writing down the location of each box as you place it in the unit. On the same piece of paper that you listed the contents of your boxes, make a brief note that describes the box's location inside the unit -- for example, "Back wall, third box from the left." This meticulous approach means that when you need to retrieve something at a later date, it won't be a time-consuming process. You'll simply have to look at your piece of paper, find the item, check the box's number and then note its location.

For more information, check with the professionals at LoDo Self Storage & Moving Center.
